\name{makeViewer} \alias{makeViewer} \title{Put a Scrollable List Box into a tkWidget.} \description{ This function associates a tk listbox with a scroll bar and then puts them into a given tk widget. } \usage{ makeViewer(target, vWidth = "", vHeight = "", hScroll = FALSE, vScroll = TRUE, what = "list", side = "left", text = "") } \arguments{ \item{target}{tk widget that can accommodate a list box.} \item{vWidth, vHeight}{integers giving width and height of the listbox.} \item{hScroll, vScroll}{logicals indicating whether a horizontal or vertical scroll bar should be associated with the list box.} \item{what}{A character string indicating the type of the viewer to be put on a widget. Valid types include "list" for list box, "canvas", and "text" for text box} \item{side}{A character string for the geometry management of the viewer on the widget. Valid values include "left", "right", "top", and "bottom"} \item{text}{A character string to be displayed} } \details{ Tk list boxes (or canvas, text box) and scroll bars are separate widgets. This function provides a common interface to put them together and functionally associated. } \value{ This function does not return any value. } \author{Jianhua (John) Zhang} \seealso{\code{\link[tcltk]{tklistbox}} (from the \file{tcltk} package). } \examples{ \dontrun{ ## These cannot be run by examples() but should be OK when pasted ## into an interactive R session with the widgetTools package loaded # Create a top level window and put a list box in it base <- tktoplevel() listBox <- makeViewer(base) # Destroy toplevel widget # tkdestroy(base) } } \keyword{interface}