\name{makeStepList} \alias{makeStepList} \title{Construction of a stepwise normalization list} \description{ This function provides a user friendly way to construct a list for input to the function \code{\link{stepWithinNorm}}. The list indicates intended biases for correction and models for stepwise normalization. } \usage{ makeStepList(A = c("median", "rlm", "loess"), PT = c("median", "rlm", "loess"), PL = c("median", "rlm", "loess"), Spatial2D = c("rlm2D", "loess2D", "aov2D", "spatialMedian")) } \arguments{ \item{A}{A character string specifying the normalization models for the adjustment of intensity or \eqn{A} bias: \describe{ \item{median: }{global median location normalization} \item{rlm: }{global intensity or \eqn{A}-dependent robust linear normalization using the \code{\link[MASS]{rlm}} function} \item{loess: }{global intensity or \eqn{A}-dependent robust nonlinear normalization using the \code{\link[MASS]{loess}} function} } The user can specify any of these three choices and the selected model will be compared based the goodness fit and model parsimony; If the correction of the $A$ bias is not desired, the user can set \code{A = NULL}. } \item{PT}{A character string specifying the normalization models for the adjustment of print-tip or \eqn{PT} bias: \describe{ \item{median: }{within-print-tip-group median normalization} \item{rlm: }{within-print-tip-group robust linear normalization using the \code{\link[MASS]{rlm}} function} \item{loess: }{within-print-tip-group robust nonlinear normalization using the \code{\link[MASS]{loess}} function} \item{none: }{no normalization for the \eqn{PT} bias} } If the correction of the $PT$ bias is not desired, the user can set \code{PT = NULL}. } \item{PL}{A character string specifying the normalization models for the adjustment of well-plate or \eqn{PL} bias: \describe{ \item{median: }{within-well-plate median normalization} \item{rlm: }{within-well-plate robust linear normalization using the \code{\link[MASS]{rlm}} function} \item{loess: }{within-well-plate robust nonlinear normalization using the \code{\link[MASS]{loess}} function} \item{none: }{no normalization for the \eqn{PL} bias} } If the correction of the $PL$ bias is not desired, the user can set \code{PL = NULL}. } \item{Spatial2D}{A character string specifying the normalization models for the adjustment of spatial 2D bias: \describe{ \item{none: }{no normalization for the spatial 2D bias} \item{aov2D: }{spatial bivariate location normalization using ANOVA} \item{rlm2D: }{spatial bivariate location normalization using the \code{\link[MASS]{rlm}} function} \item{loess2D: }{spatial bivariate location normalization using the \code{\link[MASS]{loess}} function} \item{spatialMedian: }{spatial location normalization using a spatial median approach (see Wilson et al. (2003) in reference)} } If the correction of the $PL$ bias is not desired, the user can set \code{Spatial2D = NULL}. } } \details{ This function provides a user friendly way to specify the parameter \code{wf.loc} for the main stepwise normalization function \code{stepWithinNorm}; see examples for details. } \value{ An object of class "list" for input to the \code{stepWithinNorm} function. } \author{ Yuanyuan Xiao, \email{yxiao@itsa.ucsf.edu}, \cr Jean Yee Hwa Yang, \email{jean@biostat.ucsf.edu} } \seealso{\code{\link{stepWithinNorm}}.} \examples{ # Examples use swirl dataset, for description type ? swirl data(swirl) # To use the default parameters, which adjusts A, PT, PL and Spatial2D # biases sequentially and compares all models available, simple type wf.loc <- makeStepList() # To apply loess for the A bias, and to omit the Spatial2D step wf.loc <- makeStepList(A=("loess"), Spatial2D=NULL) # To compare only rlm and loess in the A bias step, and other biases as default wf.loc <- makeStepList(A=c("rlm","loess")) # input to the stepWithinNorm function \dontrun{ step.swirl1 <- stepWithinNorm(swirl[,1],wf.loc=wf.loc)} } \keyword{models}