\name{calcBIC} \alias{calcBIC} \title{Extract BIC from a Fitted Model} \description{ Computes the Bayesian Information Criterion for a fitted parametric model. } \usage{ calcBIC(fit, subset=TRUE, scale = 0, enp, loss.fun = square) } \arguments{ \item{fit}{fitted model; see details below} \item{subset}{A "logical" or "numeric" vector indicating the subset of points used to compute the fitted model.} \item{scale}{optional numeric specifying the scale parameter of the model; see \code{scale} in \code{\link{step}}.} \item{enp}{equivalent number of parameters in the fitted model. If missing, the \code{enp} component from fit will be used.} \item{loss.fun}{the loss function used to calculate deviance; the default uses the squared deviation from the fitted values; one could also use abosulate deviations (\code{\link{abs}}).} } \details{ The argument \code{fit} can be an object of class \code{\link{marrayFit}}, in which case the \code{residuals} component from the \code{\link{marrayFit}} object will be extracted to calculate the deviance; the user can also pass in a numeric vector, in which case it will be interpreted as the residuals and the user needs to specify the argument \code{enp}. The criterion used is \deqn{BIC = -2*log{L} + k * enp,} where L is the likelihood and \code{enp} the equivalent number of parameters of \code{fit}. For linear models (as in \code{\link{marrayFit}}), \eqn{-2log{L}} is computed from the deviance. \code{k = log(n)} corresponds to the BIC and is the penalty for the number of parameters. } \value{ A numeric vector of length 4, giving \item{Dev}{the deviance of the \code{fit}.} \item{enp}{the equivalent number of parameters of the \code{fit}.} \item{penalty}{the penalty for number of parameters.} \item{Criterion}{the Akaike Information Criterion for \code{fit}.} } \author{ Yuanyuan Xiao, \email{yxiao@itsa.ucsf.edu}, \cr Jean Yee Hwa Yang, \email{jean@biostat.ucsf.edu} } \seealso{\code{\link{AIC}}, \code{\link{deviance}}, \code{\link{calcAIC}}.} \examples{ ## load in swirl data data(swirl) ## fit a model fit <- fitWithin(fun="medfit") ## res is an object of class marrayFit res <- fit(swirl[,1]) ## calculate BIC calcBIC(res) ## or could pass in the residual vector, but then argument "enp" needs to be specified calcBIC(res$residual, enp=1) } \keyword{manip}