\name{testdata} \docType{data} \alias{testdata} \alias{Autosomes} \alias{Xchromosome} \alias{Asnps} \alias{Xsnps} \alias{subject.data} \title{Test data for the snpMatrix package} \description{ This dataset comprises several data frames from a fictional (and unrealistically small) study. The dataset started off as real data from a screen of non-synonymous SNPs for association with type 1 diabetes, but the original identifiers have been removed and a random case/control status has been generated. } \usage{data(testdata)} \format{ There are five data objects in the dataset: \item{\code{Autosomes}}{An object of class \code{"snp.matrix"} containing genotype calls for 400 subjects at 9445 autosomal SNPs} \item{\code{Xchromosome}}{An object of class \code{"X.snp.matrix"} containing genotype calls for 400 subjects at 155 SNPs on the X chromosome} \item{\code{Asnps}}{A dataframe containing information about the autosomal SNPs. Here it contains only one variable, \code{chromosome}, indicating the chromosomes on which the SNPs are located} \item{\code{Xsnps}}{A dataframe containing information about the X chromosome SNPs. Here it is empty and is only included for completeness} \item{\code{subject.data}}{A dataframe containing information about the subjects from whom each row of SNP data was obtained. Here it contains: \itemize{ \item{\code{cc}}{Case-control status} \item{\code{sex}}{Sex} \item{\code{region}}{Geographical region of residence} } } } \source{ The data were obtained from the diabetes and inflammation laboratory (see \url{http://www-gene.cimr.cam.ac.uk/todd}) } \references{ \url{http://www-gene.cimr.cam.ac.uk/clayton} } \examples{ data(testdata) Autosomes Xchromosome summary(Asnps) summary(Xsnps) summary(subject.data) summary(summary(Autosomes)) summary(summary(Xchromosome)) } \keyword{datasets}