\name{runHomHMM} \alias{runHomHMM} \alias{states.hmm.func} %- Also NEED an `\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{A function to fit unsupervised Hidden Markov model} \description{ This function fits an unsupervised Hidden Markov model to a given \code{\link[limma]{MAList} or \code{\link[snapCGH:SegList]{SegList}}} } \usage{ runHomHMM(input, vr = 0.01, maxiter = 100, criteria = "AIC", delta = NA, full.output = FALSE, eps = 0.01) } %- maybe also `usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{input}{an object of class \code{\link[limma]{MAList}} or \code{\link[snapCGH:SegList]{SegList}}} \item{vr}{Gets passed to the function \code{\link[pkg:repeated]{hidden}} as the \code{pshape} arguement.} \item{maxiter}{Gets passed to the function \code{\link[pkg:repeated]{hidden}} as the \code{iterlim} arguement. } \item{criteria}{Choice of which selection criteria should be used in the algorithm. The choices are either AIC or BIC}. \item{delta}{Delta value used of the BIC is selected. If no value is entered it defaults to 1.} \item{full.output}{if true the SegList output includes a probability that a clone is in its assigned state and a smoothed value for the clone.} \item{eps}{parameter controlling the convergence of the EM algorithm. } } \seealso{ \code{\link{runDNAcopy}} \code{\link{runGLAD}} \code{\link[snapCGH:SegList]{SegList}} } \keyword{models}% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS