\name{compareSemmentations} \alias{compareSegmentations} \alias{compareBreakPoints} \title{Function for comparing segmentation methods to a known truth} \description{ This function takes a SegList and compares the breakpoints indicated in other SegLists with this original one. } \usage{ compareSegmentations(TrueSeg,offset = 0,...) } \arguments{ \item{TrueSeg}{An object of class \code{\link[snapCGH:SegList]{SegList}} which is scored against. Normally the output from \code{\link{simulateData}}.} \item{offset}{Integer value between 0 and 2 specifying how close (in number of clones) to a true breakpoint the segmentation method must be before it is scored.} \item{...}{One or more objects of class \code{\link[snapCGH:SegList]{SegList}}. These are compared to TrueSeg.} } \value{ The method returns a list containing two matrices. The first of these, \$TPR, contains the true positive rate, whilst the second, \$FDR, holds the false discovery rate. Both of these matrices are arranged such that a row represents a segmentation method and each column is an array. } \author{John Marioni and Mike Smith} \keyword{manip}