\name{ simpleaffy-deprecated } \alias{ simpleaffy-deprecated } \alias{getTao} \alias{getAlpha1} \alias{getAlpha2} \alias{getActin3} \alias{getActinM} \alias{getActin5} \alias{getGapdh3} \alias{getGapdhM} \alias{getGapdh5} \alias{getAllQCProbes} \alias{getBioB} \alias{getBioC} \alias{getBioD} \alias{getCreX} \alias{getAllSpikeProbes} \alias{haveQCParams} \title{ Does simpleaffy have a QC definition file for the specified array? } \description{ The underlying implementation of simpleaffy has changed significantly and it now represents QC parameters differently. In particular, it loads only the QC data for the specified array type. A call to any of these functions loads the appropriate environment specifed by \code{name}. They therefore been deprecated and WILL disappear from simpleaffy in the future. } \usage{ getTao(name) getAlpha1(name) getAlpha2(name) getActin3(name) getActinM(name) getActin5(name) getGapdh3(name) getGapdhM(name) getGapdh5(name) getAllQCProbes(name) getBioB(name) getBioC(name) getBioD(name) getCreX(name) getAllSpikeProbes(name) haveQCParams(name) } \arguments{ \item{name}{The 'clean' CDF name of the array (i.e. the result of calling \code{\link[affy]{cleancdfname}} on the \code{\link[affy]{cdfName}} of the AffyBatch object containing the array data of interest.} } \details{ Each of these functions has been replaced by a new function of the form \code{qc.get.}. In order to support ratios other than gapdh and beta-actin, the appropriate way to get ratios is now to use \code{\link[simpleaffy]{qc.get.ratios}}, which will return a table containing all suggested ratio calculations for the array. Similarly, \code{\link[simpleaffy]{qc.get.spikes}} will return a table containing all spike probesets for the array. } \value{ } \references{ http://bioinformatics.picr.man.ac.uk/ } \author{ Crispin J Miller } \note{ } \seealso{ \code{\link[simpleaffy]{setQCEnvironment}} \code{\link[simpleaffy]{qc}} \code{\link[simpleaffy]{qc.ok}} \code{\link[affy]{cdfName}} \code{\link[affy]{cleancdfname}} \code{\link[simpleaffy]{qc.get.ratios}} \code{\link[simpleaffy]{qc.get.spikes}} \code{\link[simpleaffy]{qc.get.probes}} } \examples{ #old getBioB("hgu133plus2cdf") getActin3("hgu133plus2cdf") getActinM("hgu133plus2cdf") getActin5("hgu133plus2cdf") #new setQCEnvironment("hgu133plus2cdf") qc.get.spikes()["bioB"] r <- qc.get.probes() r["actin3"] r["actinM"] r["actin5"] } \keyword{ misc }