\name{ qc.read.file } \alias{ qc.read.file } \title{ Read a file defining the QC parameters for a specified array and set up the QC Environment } \description{ Affymetrix define a series of QC parameters for their arrays. Many of these rely on specific probeset that differ between arrays and are used to calculate things like 3'/5' ratios. See \code{\link[simpleaffy]{qc.affy}} for more details. This is usually done by a call to \code{\link[simpleaffy]{setQCEnvironment}}; the function described here is the one that does the actual loading of the configuration file. See the package vignette for details of the config file's syntax. } \usage{ qc.read.file(fn) } \arguments{ \item{fn}{ full path and name of the file to load } } \value{ none. } \references{ http://bioinformatics.picr.man.ac.uk/ } \author{ Crispin J Miller } \note{ } \seealso{ \code{\link[simpleaffy]{setQCEnvironment}} } \examples{ fn <- system.file("extdata","hgu133plus2cdf.qcdef",package="simpleaffy") qc.read.file(fn) qc.get.spikes() qc.get.probes() qc.get.ratios() } \keyword{ misc }