\name{nclass.wand} \alias{nclass.wand} \title{Number of cells in a histogram} \description{ Computes the number of cells in a histogram using the method of Wand (1994). } \usage{ nclass.wand(x, level = 1) } \arguments{ \item{x}{numeric vector of observations} \item{level}{integer specifying the number of levels of functional estimation used in the estimation. For details, see the help page of \code{dpih} from the package \pkg{KernSmooth}} } \details{ \code{nclass.wand} calls \code{dpih}, and then computes the number of cells corresponding to the optimal bin width returned by \code{dpih} } \value{ a numeric value specifying the number of cells for the histogram of \code{x} } \references{ Wand, M.P. (1997). Data-based choice of histogram bin width. \emph{American Statistician}, 51, 59--64. } \seealso{\code{\link{denspr}}} \keyword{utilities}