\name{genomeSegment-class} \docType{class} \alias{genomeSegment-class} \alias{merge,genomeSegment,genomeSegment-method} \alias{genome,genomeSegment-method} \alias{chrom,genomeSegment-method} \alias{start,genomeSegment-method} \alias{end,genomeSegment-method} \alias{genome<-} \alias{genome<-,genomeSegment-method} \alias{chrom<-} \alias{chrom<-,genomeSegment-method} \alias{start<-,genomeSegment-method} \alias{end<-,genomeSegment-method} \alias{/,genomeSegment,ANY-method} \alias{*,genomeSegment,ANY-method} \title{Class "genomeSegment"} \description{ An object representing a segment of a genome. } \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects are normally created by a call of the following form: \code{\link{genomeSegment}(genome, chrom, start, end, segment)}. All parameters are optional and correspond to slots of the new \code{genomeSegment} instance, except for the \code{segment} parameter, which serves as the base for the new instance. The slots of the new segment match those of \code{segment}, unless the call specifies other parameters, which override the corresponding slots in \code{segment}. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{genome}:}{Object of class \code{"character"} giving the name of the genome (e.g. "hg18"). } \item{\code{chrom}:}{Object of class \code{"character"} giving the chromosome name (e.g. "chr22"). } \item{\code{start}:}{Object of class \code{"numeric"} indicating the start position of the segment on the chromosome.} \item{\code{end}:}{Object of class \code{"numeric"} indicating the stop position of the segment on the chromosome. } } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{\code{merge(x, y)}}{ Merges two instances. The result has the same slot values as \code{x}, except the non-empty slots in \code{y} override those from \code{x}. } \item{\code{genome(object)}}{ Gets the genome identifier. } \item{\code{genome(object) <- value}}{ Sets the genome identifier. } \item{\code{chrom(object)}}{ Gets the \code{chrom}osome identifier. } \item{\code{chrom(object) <- value}}{ Sets the \code{chrom}osome identifier. } \item{\code{start(object)}}{ Gets the start position. } \item{\code{start(object) <- value}}{ Sets the start position. } \item{\code{end(object)}}{ Gets the end position. } \item{\code{end(object) <- value}}{ Sets the end position. } \item{\code{object / x}}{ Zoom out \code{x} times (expand segment by \code{x/2} on each side). } \item{\code{object * x}}{ Zoom in \code{x} times (contract segment by \code{x/2} on each side). } } } \author{ Michael Lawrence } \seealso{ \code{\link{genomeSegment}} for obtaining instances of this class. } \keyword{classes}