\name{SOSExperiment-class} \docType{class} \alias{SOSExperiment-class} \alias{simulate,SOSExperiment-method} \alias{simulate} \title{SOS Experiment} \description{Implementation of \code{\linkS4class{Experiment}} for simulating SBML models using the SOS: (S)BML (O)DE (S)olver library.} \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects can be created by calls of the form \code{new("SOSExperiment", ...)}. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{protocol}:}{Object of class \code{\linkS4class{SOSProtocol}}, where the simulation parameters are specified.} \item{\code{design}:}{Object of class \code{\linkS4class{SOSDesign}}, specifying model parameters for each run of a batch experiment.} \item{\code{subject}:}{Object of class \code{\linkS4class{SOSSubject}}, containing the \code{\linkS4class{Model}} to be simulated.} \item{\code{result}:}{Object of class \code{\linkS4class{SOSResult}} containing the result of the simulation. } } } \section{Extends}{ Class \code{\linkS4class{Experiment}}, directly. } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{simulate}{\code{signature(object = "SOSExperiment")}: \code{simulate(object, nsim = 10, seed, ...)}: Simulates the model in the \code{subject} slot according to the design points in \code{design} and parameters in \code{protocol} for \code{nsim} iterations, using \code{seed} as the random seed. Returns an instance of \code{SOSExperiment}, which now should include a \code{\linkS4class{SOSResult}} for analysis.} } } \details{ The general workflow for running a simulation: \enumerate{ \item Create or import an SBML \code{\linkS4class{Model}}. \item Customize the model, for example by adding perturbation \code{\linkS4class{Event}}s. \item Wrap the model in a \code{\linkS4class{SOSSubject}}, e.g. \code{new("SOSSubject", model)}. \item Optionally construct a \code{\linkS4class{SOSDesign}} for running the experiment in batch over several sets of model parameter settings. \item Optionally construct a \code{\linkS4class{SOSProtocol}} for specifying the time points and other parameters controlling the simulation. \item Construct an instance of this class that groups the subject, design and protocol. \item Run \code{simulate} on the \code{SOSExperiment}, optionally specifying the number of iterations and the random seed. \item Analyze the returned \code{\linkS4class{SOSResult}}, perhaps starting by converting it to a time series with \code{\link{as.ts}} and making some plots. } } \references{ See \url{http://www.tbi.univie.ac.at/~raim/odeSolver/} for more information on the SBML ODE Solver library. } \author{ Michael Lawrence } \seealso{ The \code{simulate} method on \code{\linkS4class{SBMLDocument}} is a shortcut, but most users will probably find the above approach most useful. } \keyword{classes}