\name{summary.ProbBin.FCS} \alias{summary.ProbBin.FCS} \title{Chi-Squared/Standard Normal Approximation Summary Statistics for a ProbBin.FCS object} \description{ This function provides summary statistics for the test of distribution difference of two samples that have been probability-binned or in histogram form. Given two probability-binned samples, of which one will be called the stimulated sample and the other the unstimulated/control sample, the null hypothesis is that both the unstimulated/Control Data Histogram/Bins are the statistically the same as the Stimulated Data Histogram/Bins. Thus, the two samples have the same distribution in the null hypothesis. The alternative hypothesis is that the Unstimulated/Control Data Histogram/Bins are significantly different from the Stimulated Data Histogram/Bins. Thus, the two distributions have a different distribution. } \usage{ summary.ProbBin.FCS(object, verbose=FALSE,...) } \arguments{ \item{object}{ProbBin.FCS object} \item{verbose}{Boolean whether to output all the counts in each bin} \item{...}{not used} } \details{ There are four main test statistics involved which are the following: 1. Test1: T.chi.unadj=max(0,(PBmetric-mean(PBmetric)) / SD(PBmetric)) is approximately standard normal (by the Central Limit Theorem (CLT)). Thus, the test of significance used the standard normal test as proposed by Mario Roederer. 2. Test2: Adjusted PB metric statistic is distributed as a chi-squared statistics. Thus, the test of significance uses the chi-squared test as proposed by Keith A. Baggerly. 3. Test3: Adjusted T.chi.unadj statistic is approximately the standard normal (by CLT). Thus the test of significance uses the standard normal test as proposed by Keith A. Baggerly. 4. Test4: Pearson's statistic using the Chi-Squared Test. There has been a suggestion of using a different number of degrees of freedom Please note that all four tests use different statistics to test the same null hypothesis against the same alternative hypothesis. Test 2 and 3 are ajusted forms of the statistics mentioned in Test 1. Different p-values both one and two-sided are given for those applicable statistics. } \value{ A list consisting of: \item{PBinType}{Type of Probability Binning: \item{"by.control"}{uses the control dataset to obtain the breaks/cutoffs to bin the stimulated dataset given a certain number of observations in each bin of the control dataset} \item{"combined"}{uses the combined dataset (both control and stimulated datasets) to obtain the breaks/cutoffs for the bins given a certain number in each bin} } \item{control.bins}{single column matrix of the counts in each bin of the control dataset} \item{stim.bins}{single column matrix of the counts in each bin of the stimulated dataset} \item{total.control}{numeric; total number in the control dataset} \item{total.stim}{numeric; total number in the stimulated dataset} \item{T.chi.unadj}{Roederer's unadjusted normalized PB metric statistic which is normalized by subtracting off the mean and then dividing by the standard deviation. This statistic is approximately standard normal.} \item{p.val.2tail.z.unadj}{Two-tailed standard normal p-value corresponding to the Roederer's unadjusted normalized PB metric statistic which is approximated as a standard normal} \item{p.val.1tail.z.unadj}{Upper standard normal one-tailed p-value corresponding to the Roederer's unadjusted PB metric statistic which is approximated as a standard normal} \item{PBmetric.unadj}{Roederer's unadjusted PB metric which is ((n.c + n.s)/(2*nc.*n.s))*Chi-squared or an unadjusted chi-squared statistic, where n.c is the number of control observations (unbinned) and n.s is the number of stimulated observations (unbinned)} \item{PBmetric.adj}{Baggerly's adjusted PB metric statistic which is a Chi-squared statistic} \item{PB.df}{The degrees of freedom of the PB metric (adjusted and unadjusted) which is B-1, where B is the number of bins in the eitherthe control or the stimulated binned data} \item{p.val.1tail.chi.adj}{Upper one-tailed chi-squared p-value corresponding to Baggerly's adjusted PB metric} \item{T.chi.adj}{Baggerly's PB metric which is normalized by subtracting off the mean and dividing by the standard deviation; This normalized statistic is approximately standard normal.} \item{p.val.1tail.z.adj}{Upper one-tailed standard normal p-value corresponding to the Baggerly's adjusted normalized PB metric statistic which is approximated as a standard normal} \item{p.val.2tail.z.adj}{Standard normal two-tailed p-value corresponding to the Baggerly's adjusted PB metric statistic which is approximated as a standard normal} \item{pearson.stat}{Pearson's Chi-Squared Statistic with degrees of freedom 2B-1, where B is the number of bins in either the control or the stimulated binned data} \item{pearson.df}{the degrees of freedom for the chi-squared statistic} \item{pearson.p.value}{The p-value corresponding to the chi-squared distribution} \item{pearson.method}{string of the indicating the type of test and options performed} \item{pearson.dataname}{string of the name(s) of the data} \item{pearson.observed}{a vector of the observed counts} \item{pearson.expected}{a vector of the expected counts under the null hypothesis} \item{pearson.p.val.PB.df}{Fisher's Chi-squared statistic with degrees of freedom B-1, where B is the number of bins in either the control or the stimulated binned data} } \references{ Keith A. Baggerly "Probability Binning and Test Agreement between Multivariate Immunofluorescence Histograms: Extending the Chi-Squared test" Cytometry 45: 141:150 (2001). Mario Roederer, et al. "Probability Binning Comparison: A Metric for Quantitating Univariate Distribution Differences" Cytometry 45:37-46 (2001). Documentation for \code{\link{chisq.test}}.} \author{A.J. Rossini and J.Y. Wan} \seealso{ \code{\link{ProbBin.FCS}}, \code{\link{ProbBin.flowcytest}}, \code{\link{chisq.test}}} \examples{ if (require(rfcdmin)){ ## obtaining the FCS objects from VRC data if ( !(is.element("unst.1829", objects()) & is.element("st.1829", objects())) ){ data(VRCmin) } IFN.gamma.1<-unst.1829@data[1:2000,4] IFN.gamma.2<-st.1829@data[1:2000,4] #Probability binning using the control dataset to determine the breaks PB1<-ProbBin.FCS(IFN.gamma.1, IFN.gamma.2, 200, varname=colnames(unst.1829@data)[4], PBspec="by.control",MY.DEBUG=FALSE) sum.PB1.1<-summary(PB1) sum.PB1.2<-summary.ProbBin.FCS(PB1) } } \keyword{univar} \keyword{dplot}