\name{plotECDF.FCS} \alias{plotECDF.FCS} \title{Create a empirical cumulative distribution plot for one (or more) parameter(s) of one (or more) FCS object(s)} \description{ Create a empirical cumulative distribution plot for one parameter of one (or more) FCS object(s). } \usage{ plotECDF.FCS(data, varpos, var.list, group.list, xlab, ylab,alternating=TRUE, legend.title=NULL,...) } \arguments{ \item{data}{a list of fluorescent data from one (or more) FCS object(s)} \item{varpos}{the numerical column variable position of the data of the FCS object} \item{var.list}{conditioning variables} \item{group.list}{a variable or expression to be evaluated in the data frame specified by 'data', expected to act as a grouping variable within each panel, typically used to distinguish different groups by varying graphical parameters like color and line type} \item{xlab}{a title for the x axis} \item{ylab}{a title for the y axis} \item{alternating}{logical specifying whether axis labels should alternate from one side of the group of panels to the other (for more details see \code{\link[lattice]{xyplot}})} \item{legend.title}{a title for the legend} \item{...}{any other arguments are passed to the \code{\link[lattice]{xyplot}} function} } \details{ Other options from the functions \code{\link[lattice]{xyplot}} from the \code{\link[lattice]{lattice}} library. } \value{ None. } \author{N. Le Meur} \seealso{\code{\link{ecdf}},\code{\link[lattice]{lattice}}, \code{\link[lattice]{xyplot}}} \examples{ require(rfcdmin) require(lattice) ##Example I: data(flowcyt.data) ##Draw an empirical cumulative density plot for the Foward scatter ##parameter of the different stains at a particular different time point ##(one panel per time point). plotECDF.FCS(flowcyt.data,varpos=c(1),var.list=c(paste("time",1:12,sep="")),group.list=paste("Stain",c(1:8),sep=""),main="ECDF plot of the FSC parameter for different stains across time points",lwd=2,cex=1.5,type="l") ##Example II: if (require(rfcdmin)) { ##Obtain the location of the fcs files pathFiles<-system.file("bccrc", package="rfcdmin") drugFiles<-dir(pathFiles) ##Read a serie of FCS files drugData<-read.series.FCS(drugFiles,path=pathFiles,MY.DEBUG=FALSE) } ##Draw a empirical cumulative density plot for the Foward scatter ##parameter for the differents aliquots (of the same cell line) ##treated with different compounds. plotECDF.FCS(drugData,varpos=c(1),var.list=c("Serie"),group.list=paste("compound",c(1:8),sep=""),main="ECDF plot for the aliquots treated with different compounds.",lwd=2,cex=1.5,type="l") } \keyword{hplot}