\name{plot2sets.FCS} \alias{plot2sets.FCS} \title{Create a scatterplot to summaryze and compare two series of FCS objects} \description{ Create a scatterplot to summaryze and compare 1 paraneter from two series of FCS objects stored in 2 different plates. The points are colored according to their position in the plate (row or column number.) } \usage{ plot2sets.FCS(data1,data2,varpos=c(1),FUN,nrow=8,ncol=12,ind=c(1:96),col="row",labeling=TRUE,...) } \arguments{ \item{data1}{a list of fluorescent data from one (or more) FCS object(s) or a cytoset} \item{data2}{a list of fluorescent data from one (or more) FCS object(s) or a cytoset} \item{varpos}{the numerical column variable position of the FCS objects} \item{FUN}{function to summaryze the distribution of the data, e.g. mean, median, IQR, MODE} \item{col} {character vector either "row" or "col"} \item{nrow}{numeric, number of rows per plate} \item{ncol}{numeric, number of columns per plate} \item{ind}{numeric vector, index of the wells to be plotted} \item{labeling} {logical, draw plate position (default= TRUE)} \item{...}{any other arguments are passed to the \code{\link{plot}} function} } \value{ None. } \author{Nolwenn Le Meur} \seealso{\code{\link{plot}}} \examples{ ##Example I: ##data(flowcyt.data) ##Draw a scatterplot of the median values ##of the Foward scatter and the Side scatter parameters ##of each FCS file. The files correspond to samples store in a 96 well plate. ##plot2sets.FCS(flowcyt.data,varpos=c(1,2),FUN1=median,nrow=8,ncol=10,ind=c(1:80),col="row",pch="*",labeling=FALSE,xlim=c(0,300),ylim=c(0,300),main="FSCmedian vs.SSCmedian by row",xlab="SSC median",ylab="FSC median") } \keyword{hplot}