\name{movbin} \alias{movbin} \title{movbin} \description{ This function analyzes ordered data series to identify regional biases using an moving (running) approximated binomial test. } \usage{ movbin(v,span=NULL,summarize=mean) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{v}{data vector} \item{span}{numeric vector. Each element is used to define the number of points to include when the approximated binomial test is applied to \code{v}. While mixed for the defaults, the span can be specified as fraction of the observation or actual sizes, but \emph{not} a mixture - defaults to: seq(25,length(v)*.3,by=5)} \item{summarize}{function that is used to summarize the results from multiple spans. if NULL, a matrix with \code{length(span)} rows and \code{length(v)} columns is returned.} } \details{ \code{movbin} applies a moving binomial test to sequential windows of elements of \code{v}. Within each span a z-score from an approximated binomial is computed such that \code{z=(2*r - n)/sqrt(n)} where \code{r} is the number of positive relative gene expression values and \code{n} is the number of non-zero values within each window. For convenience, this function allows for the specification of multiple window sizes using the \code{span} argument. The result of a \code{movbin} call will generate a matrix with \code{length(span)} rows and \code{length(v)} columns. Each row of the matrix represents the data generated from each span. This matrix can be returned or the matrix from can be condensed to a single vector of length v by applying a summary function \code{summarize} to the matrix columns. } \value{ Either a matrix or a vector containing the summarized z-scores from the applied binomial test. } \author{ Kyle A. Furge, Ph.D., \email{kyle.furge@vai.org} and Karl J. Dykema, \email{karl.dykema@vai.org}} \note{} \examples{ x <- c(rnorm(50,mean=1),rnorm(50,mean=-1),rnorm(100)) layout(1:2) plot(x,type="h",ylim=c(-5,5)) ## apply the approximated binomial with a single span mb <- movbin(x,span=25,summarize=NULL) lines(mb[1,]) ## try a few different span ranges mb <- movbin(x,span=c(10,25,50),summarize=NULL) lines(mb[1,]) ## span of 10 lines(mb[2,]) ## span of 25 lines(mb[3,]) ## span of 50 ## average the results from the different spans plot(x,type="h",ylim=c(-5,5)) mb <- movbin(x,span=c(10,25,50),summarize=mean) lines(mb,col="blue") mb <- movbin(x,span=c(10,25,50),summarize=median) lines(mb,col="red") } \keyword{manip}