\name{arrange.row} \alias{arrange.row} \title{ Reorder a dataset by increasing row order.} \usage{arrange.row(data)} \description{The functions could be used to reorder a dataset to make sure that all the genes are in the same row before fitting any model. The \code{arrange.row} function is also used by the \code{weight.plot} function to map all the genes to their position on the slide. } \arguments{ \item{data} { A dataset containing the row indices in the first column and the column indices in the second column. The row indices should all be distinct. All indices should start at zero! } } \value{ The ordered dataset.} \references{Robust Estimation of cDNA Microarray Intensities with Replicates Raphael Gottardo, Adrian E. Raftery, Ka Yee Yeung, and Roger Bumgarner Department of Statistics, University of Washington, Box 354322, Seattle, WA 98195-4322} \seealso{ \code{weight.plot} } \examples{ data(hiv) ### Put the indices in the first two columns and ### reorder the first 4 replicates new.data<-cbind(hiv[,9:10],hiv[,1:4]) ordered.data<-arrange.row(new.data) } \author{Raphael Gottardo} \keyword{data}