\name{threePanelPlot} \alias{threePanelPlot} \title{Visualize cytometry data} \description{ Function to visualize multivariate (cytometry) data in three two-dimensional plots. } \usage{ threePanelPlot(data, x.panels = c(1, 4, 5), y.panels = c(2, 3, 6), tot.width = 15, tot.height = 5.4, maxcells = 20000, limits = c(0, 1023), remove.extremes = TRUE, plotTitle = "Three-Panel Plot", use.smoothScatter = TRUE, palette = colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9, "Blues")), new.device = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, addPoints = NULL, addCol = "red", ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{data}{data matrix to visualize} \item{x.panels}{which variables (columns) are to be plotted at the x-axis of the three variables} \item{y.panels}{which variables (columns) are to be plotted at the y-axis of the three variables} \item{tot.width}{width of a new device to open, see argument \code{new.device}} \item{tot.height}{height of a new device to open, see argument \code{new.device}} \item{maxcells}{maximum number of observations (cells) for plotting; higher numbers reduce performance} \item{limits}{minimum and maximum value (theoretically) observed in the data; e.g., with 10-channel digitized data it is c(0,1023)} \item{remove.extremes}{logical; are extreme values (equal to theoretical \code{limits}) to be removed before plotting} \item{plotTitle}{title for the plot} \item{use.smoothScatter}{logical, should the function \code{\link[geneplotter]{smoothScatter}} be employed for plotting the data (plots data densities rather than individual points)} \item{palette}{if \code{smoothScatter} is used, which colour palette is it to use} \item{new.device}{logical; should a new device be opened for the three plots; if \code{FALSE} the three plots will be plotted to the currently active device} \item{verbose}{logical; do you want extended output to STDOUT} \item{addPoints}{should special points be marked after plotting the data; is expected to be a subser of argument \code{data} with the same number of columns (=variables); if \code{NULL} no points are marked} \item{addCol}{in which colour are the points in \code{addPoints} to be marked} \item{\dots}{further arguments passed on to \code{plot.default}} } %\details{~~ If necessary, more details than the __description__ above ~~} \value{ no value is returned; the function is called to produce three plots } %\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ } \author{Joern Toedling \email{toedling@ebi.ac.uk}} %\note{ ~~further notes~~ } \seealso{\code{\link[base]{plot.default}}} \examples{ # generate some data: toyData <- cbind(matrix(pmax(0,pmin(runif(3000)+rnorm(3000),4)),ncol=3), matrix(pmax(0,pmin(rnorm(3000,2,1),4)),ncol=3)) colnames(toyData) <- paste("Var",1:6,sep="") toyQuantiles <- apply(toyData,2,quantile,probs=c(0.25,0.5,0.75)) # plot it and mark the quantiles: threePanelPlot(toyData,addPoints=toyQuantiles, addCol=c("orange","red","purple"),limits=c(0,4),pch=20) } \keyword{hplot}% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS