\name{progress} \alias{progress} \alias{updateProgress} \alias{killProgress} \title{A simple tcltk progress window} \description{Show progress of a task in a tcltk window as percentage} \usage{ progress(title="processing task...", message="", sub="") updateProgress(percentage, autoKill=FALSE, sub="") killProgress() } \arguments{ \item{title}{The title of the tcltk window} \item{message}{A short test message to add to the window} \item{sub}{An additional text field that can be updated via\code{updateProgress}} \item{percentage}{An integer giving the percentage of completion} \item{autoKill}{Logical indicating whether to kill the display after 100 is reached} } \details{Function \code{progress} creates the progress window and sets up the necessary environment. \code{updateProgress} takes as argument an integer value indicating the percentage of completion and updates the display. The integer value that gets passed to \code{updateProgress} will usually be generated by an iterator (e.g. in a for loop). \code{killProgress} may be called explicitely to kill the progress window. Alternatively one can set the argument autoKill of \code{updateProgress} to \code{TRUE} to automatically kill the window once a value of 100 is reached. } \value{The functions are called for their side effects.} \author{Florian Hahne} \seealso{} \examples{ if(interactive()){ progress(message="This is a progress display...", sub="(step 1 of 50)") for(i in 1:50) { zz = rnorm(1e5) updateProgress(i*2, autoKill=TRUE, sub=paste("(step", i, "of 50)")) } } } \keyword{misc}