\name{readFCSaux} \alias{readFCSdata} \alias{readFCStext} \alias{readFCSheader} \alias{readFCSgetPar} \title{Auxiliary functions for readFCS} \description{Auxiliary functions for readFCS - not normally called by the user} \usage{ readFCSgetPar(x, pnam) readFCSheader(con) readFCStext(con, offsets) readFCSdata(con, offsets, x) } \arguments{ \item{x}{Named character vector.} \item{pnam}{Character vector, its elements must be contained in \code{names(x)}.} \item{con}{Connection.} \item{offsets}{Integer vector of length 6 with byte offsets of the header, text, and data blocks.} } \details{These functions are not normally called by the user. See \code{\link[prada]{readFCS}} instead.} \value{Various.} \author{Wolfgang Huber \url{http://www.ebi.ac.uk/huber}} \seealso{\code{\link[prada]{readFCS}}} \examples{} \keyword{IO}