\name{combineFrames} \alias{combineFrames} \title{Combine the cytoFrames within a cytoSet according to some grouping factor} \description{Combine the cytoFrames within a cytoSet according to some grouping factor.} \usage{combineFrames(x, by)} \arguments{ \item{x}{cytoSet.} \item{by}{factor. Length must be same as that of \code{x}.} } \details{} \value{cytoSet.} \seealso{} \author{Wolfgang Huber } \keyword{} \examples{ cset <- readCytoSet(path=system.file("extdata", package="prada"), pattern="[A-Z][0-9][0-9]$") nr1 <- csApply(cset, nrow) sm1 <- csApply(cset, sum) fac <- factor(c(1,1,2,2,2,2)) cc <- combineFrames(cset, fac) nr2 <- csApply(cc, nrow) sm2 <- csApply(cc, sum) stopifnot(all(nr2==tapply(nr1, fac, sum))) stopifnot(all(sm2==tapply(sm1, fac, sum))) }