\name{analysePlate} \alias{analysePlate} \title{Apply a statistic to the data from each well in a plate} \description{Apply a statistic to the data from each well in a plate} \usage{ analysePlate(x, wellcol="well", wellrange, statfun, platename, plotdir=".", ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{data frame. It must contain a column whose name is the value of \code{wellcol}, and further columns that are needed by the function named by \code{stat}.} \item{wellcol}{character of length 1. Name of a column in \code{x} that contains the well ID.} \item{wellrange}{vector of the same type as \code{x[, wellcol]}. All values \code{x[, wellcol]} must be contained in \code{wellrange}.} \item{statfun}{character of length 1. Name of a function that can calculate a statistic from selected rows of \code{x}.} \item{platename}{character of length 1. The name or ID of this plate, which will be used for graphics output filenames and as the value of the column \code{platename} of the return value.} \item{plotdir}{character of length 1. The name of directory where diagnostic plots will be saved.} \item{...}{further arguments that are passed on to \code{statfun}.} } \details{The semantics of this function are similar to \code{\link[base:tapply]{tapply}}, but some additional checking and reporting is performed, and the return value is a data frame.} \value{A data frame with number of rows equal to \code{length(wellrange)}. Rows (wells) for which there is no data contains \code{NA}s. The columns comprise \code{platename}, \code{well-ID} (from \code{x[, wellcol]}), and the results from statfun.} \author{Wolfgang Huber \url{http://www.dkfz.de/abt0840/whuber}} \keyword{manip} \examples{##see vignette}