\name{slplot} \alias{slplot} \title{Plot a side by side scores and loadings plot} \description{A common way of representing PCA result for two component} \usage{slplot(object, pcs=c(1,2), scoresLoadings=c(TRUE, TRUE), sl="def", ll="def", hotelling=0.95, rug=TRUE, sub=NULL,...)} \arguments{ \item{object}{a pcaRes object} \item{pcs}{which two pcs to plot} \item{scoresLoadings}{Which should be shown scores and or loadings} \item{sl}{labels to plot in the scores plot} \item{ll}{labels to plot in the loadings plot} \item{hotelling}{confidence interval for ellipse} \item{rug}{logical, rug x axis or not} \item{sub}{Subtitle, defaults to annotate with amount of explained variance.} \item{...}{Further arguments to plot functions} } \details{Uses layout instead of par to provide side-by-side so it works with Sweave.} \value{ None, used for side effect. } \author{Henning Redestig} \seealso{\code{prcomp}, \code{pca}, \code{princomp}} \examples{ data(iris) pcIr <- pca(iris[,1:4], scale="UV", method="svd") slplot(pcIr, sl=NULL, pch=5, col=as.integer(iris[,5])) } \keyword{multivariate}