\name{compNorm} \alias{compNorm} \title{Compares the distribution of several data sets} \description{This function was concieved to easily compare several normalization methods in terms of variability of log-ratios, M. Basically it produces two plots: The first is a the density plot of the several matrices passed as arguments, while the second is a box plot. Median of absolute deviations for each method is printed on screen. } \usage{ compNorm(x,...,bw="AUTO",xlim=c(-3,3),titles="AUTO",type="d") } \arguments{ \item{x}{A matrix of numerical values, e.q. the \eqn{M} values of a data set: \code{maM(swirl)}. } \item{...}{An undefined number of objects similar with \code{x}. } \item{bw}{Band width required to compute the density distribution. \code{"AUTO"} will adjust \code{bw} to a suitable value. } \item{xlim}{The range for abscissa of the density plots. } \item{titles}{Names to be displayed the charts legend. \code{"AUTO"} will use the matrices names passed as arguments. . } \item{type}{If set to \code{"d"}, density plot will be shown; if set to \code{"d"} box plot will be shown. } } \details{This function is used to compare the normalized log ratios \eqn{M} obtained with several normalization methods. } \value{NULL, this function only displays charts and prints on the screen some statistics. } \examples{ # Normalize swirl data with two methods data(swirl) swirlNN<-maNormNN(swirl[,1]) swirlLoess<-maNormMain(swirl[,1]) nms<-c("None","Loess","NNets") #compare distributions: density plot compNorm(maM(swirl[,1]),maM(swirlLoess),maM(swirlNN),xlim=c(- 2,2),bw="AUTO",titles=nms,type="d") #compare distributions: box plot compNorm(maM(swirl[,1]),maM(swirlLoess),maM(swirlNN),xlim=c(- 2,2),bw="AUTO",titles=nms,type="b") } \author{Tarca, A.L.} \references{ A. L. Tarca, J. E. K. Cooke, and J. Mackay. Robust neural networks approach for spatial and intensity dependent normalization of cDNA data. Bioinformatics. 2004,submitted.\cr } \seealso{\code{\link{maNormNN}}} \keyword{univar}