\name{closest.transitive.greedy} \alias{closest.transitive.greedy} \title{Find transitively closed graph most similar to the given one} \description{ First, from the original graph $\Phi$ spurious edges are pruned via \code{prune.graph}. Then the new graph $\Phi'$ is transitively closed. Afterwards, the algorithms successively introduces new edges minimizing the distance to the original graph (defined as $\sum_{ij} |\Phi_{ij} - \Phi'_{ij}|$) most. After each edge addition the graph is transitively closed again. } \usage{ closest.transitive.greedy(Phi, verbose=TRUE) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{Phi}{adjacency matrix} \item{verbose}{do you want to see progress statements printed or not? Default: TRUE} } \value{ adjacency matrix } \author{Holger Froehlich} \seealso{\code{\link{prune.graph}, \code{\link{transitive.closure}}, \code{\link{transitive.reduction}}}} \keyword{models}