\name{SCCgraph} \alias{SCCgraph} \title{Combines Strongly Connected Components into single nodes} \description{ \code{SCCgraph} is used to identify all nodes which are not distinguishable given the data. } \usage{ SCCgraph(x,name=TRUE,nlength=20) } \arguments{ \item{x}{graphNEL object or an adjacency matrix} \item{name}{Concatenate all names of summarized nodes, if TRUE, or number nodes, if FALSE. Default: TRUE} \item{nlength}{maximum length of names} } \details{ A graph inferred by either \code{nem} or \code{nemModelSelection} may have cycles if some phenotypic profiles are not distinguishable. The function \code{SCCgraph} identifies cycles in the graph (the strongly conneced components) and summarizes them in a single node. The resulting graph is then acyclic. } \value{ \item{graph}{a graphNEL object with connected components of the input graph summarized into single nodes} \item{scc}{a list mapping SCCs to nodes} \item{which.scc}{a vector mapping nodes to SCCs} } \author{Florian Markowetz , Holger Froehlich } \seealso{\code{\link{nem}}, \code{\link{transitive.reduction}}} \examples{ data("BoutrosRNAi2002") D <- BoutrosRNAiDiscrete[,9:16] res <- nem(D,para=c(.13,.05)) # sccg <- SCCgraph(res$graph,name=TRUE) # par(mfrow=c(1,2)) plot(res, main="inferred from data") plot(sccg$graph, main="condensed (rel,key)") } \keyword{graphs}