\author{Hao Wu} \name{subset.madata} \alias{subset.madata} \title{Subsetting Microarray data objects} \usage{ \method{subset}{madata}(x, arrays, genes, \dots) } \description{ Return subsets of an an object of class \code{madata} meeting given conditions. } \arguments{ \item{x}{An object of class \code{madata}. Read \code{\link[maanova]{createData}} for details.} \item{arrays}{A vector specifying which arrays to keep or discard.} \item{genes}{A vector specifying which genes to keep or discard.} \item{\dots}{Ignored at this point.} } \value{ An object of class \code{madata} with specified arrays and genes. } \examples{ data(kidney) \dontrun{ smalldata <- subset(kidney.raw, arrays=c(1,2)) # take out the all arrays except array 1 idx.array <- 1:kidney.raw$n.array smalldata <- subset(kidney.raw,arrays=(idx.array[-1])) # take out gene number 1 to 20 smalldata <- subset(kidney.raw,genes=1:20) }} \keyword{utilities}