\name{replaceAll} \alias{replaceAll} \title{Replace all occurences of a specified character in a string by a new character} \description{ \code{replaceAll} This function helps to replace characters in a string or vector of strings. } \usage{ replaceAll(x,old,new) } \arguments{ \item{x}{The string or vector of strings where the replacements should occurr.} \item{old}{The character or vector of characters that should be replaced.} \item{new}{The character or vector of characters with whom the old characters should be replaced.} } \details{ This function replaces single characters with others. } \references{} \author{Johannes Rainer} \seealso{ \code{\link{replaces}} } \examples{ test <- c("zes","i have","an american","kezboard lazout") replaceAll(test,old="z","y") replaceAll(test,old=c("z","h"),new=c("y","d")) } \keyword{data}