\name{myGrep} \alias{myGrep} \title{Perform a pattern search} \description{ \code{myGrep} This function is a wrapper function for the \code{grep} function from \code{R}, that converts the data into a character vector before calling \code{grep} on the data. The function returns the index or a list of indizes, where (at what position) the pattern can be found in the submitted data. } \usage{ myGrep(pattern,x,exact.match=FALSE,...) } \arguments{ \item{pattern}{The string that should be searched in the submitted data.} \item{x}{The data, any kind of string or vector.} \item{exact.match}{If the string to search has to be exactly the same as the pattern or not (if TRUE, it is equal to a simple \code{==}).} \item{...}{Some additional parameters for the \code{grep} command.} } \details{ This function is not really differnt from the \code{grep} call from \code{R} (as it uses also the \code{grep} call ;-)). } \references{} \author{Johannes Rainer} \seealso{ \code{\link{grep}}, \code{\link{multiGrep}} } \examples{ } \keyword{data}