\name{maDB-package} \alias{maDB-package} \alias{maDB} \docType{package} \title{ Package to store and retrieve microarray experiments into/from a database. } \description{ The maDB package allows to store microarray experiments (preprocessed expresion values of one-color (Affymetrix) or two-color microarrays along with sample information and annotation) into a database. As database backend a PostgreSQL database is used, where all needed tables are created automatically once the first experiment is stored into a newly created database using the \code{\link{publishToDB}} method. The database itself consists of a variety of tables, where the microarray data is stored in a relational way, thus allowing to store two-color microarray data and data from one-color (Affymetrix) microarray experiments in the same database. \\ Use \code{\link{openMadbVignette}} to open the documentation (vignette) of the package. } \details{ \tabular{ll}{ Package: \tab maDB\cr Type: \tab Package\cr Version: \tab 1.9.4\cr Date: \tab 2007-05-23\cr License: \tab LGPL\cr } The main function to create the database tables and to insert an experiment into the database is \code{\link{publishToDB}}. Preprocessed expresion values and sample informations of the submitted \code{\link{MadbSet}} object are stored into the database. The function \code{\link{loadFromDB}} can be used to fetch a whole microarray experiment, or a subset of an experiment from the databse. Other functions to access just jubsets of expression values are \code{\link{getEDB}}. \\ The web interface madbWeb (written in PHP) to a microarray database generated with the maDB package is accessible at http://madb.i-med.ac.at/madbWeb. \\ Additionally the maDB package provides also functions to create graphical visualizations of microarray data like the \code{\link{drawMA}} function to generate MA (differential expression against average expression) plots, or \code{\link{drawVolcanoPlot}} to generate volcano plots. In both plots the local point density can be color coded. } \author{ Johannes Rainer Maintainer: johannes.rainer@tcri.at } \references{ http://madb.i-med.ac.at/madbWeb } \keyword{ package }