\name{getSamplesFromDB} \alias{getSamplesFromDB} \title{Lists all or only specified samples from the database.} \description{ \code{getSamplesFromDB} This function lists all samples that are stored into a database with the \code{\link{publishToDB}} function, or lists all samples that match the pattern submitted. } \usage{ getSamplesFromDB(Con,table.name="samples",pattern) } \arguments{ \item{Con}{The connection to the database (returned by the \code{dbConnect} function of the \pkg{RdbiPgSQL} package).} \item{table.name}{The name of the table that contains the information about the samples.} \item{pattern}{A pattern that can be used to search for in all columns of the table.} } \details{ This function returns a table (data.frame/matrix) with all samples stored in the database, or searches for those entries, that correspond to the submitted pattern. } \references{} \author{Johannes Rainer} \seealso{ \code{\link{publishToDB}} % \code{\link{dbConnect}} \code{\link{MadbSet-class}} } \keyword{data}