\name{getPK} \alias{getPK} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Getting the primary key of the appropriate object from the database} \description{ Returns the primary key of an object from the database. If in the corresponding database table no entry with the same attribute values (of the submitted object) exists, the values will be inserted into the database and the primary key of the new entry will be returned. } \usage{ getPK(object, Con, table.name = NULL, all.fields = FALSE, ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{object}{ The data object. } \item{Con}{ The connection to the database. } \item{table.name}{ The database table name where objects from the type of the submitted objects are stored into. } \item{all.fields}{ If all attributes have to match between the database entry and the object submitted. } \item{\dots}{ some additional things. } } \value{ The primary key of the database entry. } \author{ Johannes Rainer } \examples{ } \keyword{data}