\name{checkForDifferentAnnotation} \alias{checkForDifferentAnnotation} \title{Detect gene annotation differences} \description{ \code{checkForDifferentAnnotation} compares the gene annotation in the \code{annotation} database table with the gene annotation provided by the specified R annotation package. The IDs which differ in the annotation are returned as result. } \usage{ checkForDifferentAnnotation(con,chip,check.columns=c("GenBank","UniGene","LocusLink"),v=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{con}{The connection object to the database (Connections can be opened with the \code{dbConnect} function from the \pkg{RdbiPgSQL} package).} \item{chip}{The chip for which the annotation should be checked. At the moment only Affymetrix chips are supported (eg. \code{hgu133plus2}).} \item{check.columns}{The identifiers that should be compared for the genes (Affymetrix probe sets).} \item{v}{if some additional informations should be written to the console.} } \details{ This function compares the annotation for the genes (or Affymetrix probe set IDs) that are available in a database table called \code{annotation} and the corresponding R annotation package (like the \code{hgu133plus2} package). The annotation IDs specified by the \code{check.columns} attribute from the two different sources are compared for each gene and if they differ the gene and the different annotations are returned. } \references{} \author{Johannes Rainer} \seealso{ % \code{\link{dbConnect}} \code{\link{dbUpdateAnnotation}} \code{\link{dbGetAnnotation}} % \code{\link{createDBTable}} } \examples{ } \keyword{data}