\name{nuID2RefSeqID} \alias{nuID2RefSeqID} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Map nuID to RefSeq ID } \description{ Map nuID to RefSeq ID based on IDMapping libraries. } \usage{ nuID2RefSeqID(nuID = NULL, lib.mapping, filterTh = c(Strength1 = 95, Uniqueness = 95), returnAllInfo = FALSE) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{nuID}{ a vector of nuIDs. If it is NULL, all mappings will be returned. } \item{lib.mapping}{ the ID mapping library } \item{filterTh}{ the mapping quality filtering threshold used to filter the ID mapping. } \item{returnAllInfo}{ determine to return the detailed mapping information or just the matched RefSeq IDs } } \details{ This function is based on the return of \code{\link{getNuIDMappingInfo}} function. It uses mapping quality information to filter out the bad mappings. The names of "filterTh" are basically the field names of "nuID\_MappingInfo" table, which include 'Strength1', 'Strength2', 'Uniqueness' and 'Total hits'. For the definition of these metrics, please refer to the IDMapping library or see the reference website. } \value{ returns the matched RefSeq IDs or a data.frame with each row corresponding to an input nuID (when "returnAllInfo" is TRUE). } \references{ https://prod.bioinformatics.northwestern.edu/nuID/ } \author{Warren Kibbe, Pan Du, Simon Lin} \seealso{ See Also \code{\link{getNuIDMappingInfo}} } \examples{ ## load example data data(example.lumi) if (require(lumiHumanIDMapping)) { nuIDs <- featureNames(example.lumi) mappingInfo <- nuID2RefSeqID(nuIDs, lib.mapping='lumiHumanIDMapping') head(mappingInfo) } } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{methods} \keyword{utilities}