\name{lumiN} \alias{lumiN} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Between chip normalization of a LumiBatch object } \description{ A main function of between chip normalization of a LumiBatch object. Currently, four methods ("rsn", "ssn", "quantile", "loess", "vsn") are supported. } \usage{ lumiN(x.lumi, method = c("quantile", "rsn", "ssn", "loess", "vsn"), verbose = TRUE, ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{x.lumi}{ an ExpressionSet inherited object or a data matrix with columns as samples and rows as genes} \item{method}{ four different between chips normalization methods ("quantile", "rsn", "ssn", "loess", "vsn") are supported } \item{verbose}{ a boolean to decide whether to print out some messages } \item{\dots}{ other parameters used by corresponding method } } \details{ lumiN is an interface for different normalization methods. Currently it supports "RSN" (See \code{\link{rsn}}), "SSN" (See \code{\link{ssn}}), "loess" (See \code{\link[affy]{normalize.loess}}), "quantile" (See \code{\link[affy]{normalize.quantiles}}) and "VSN" (See \code{\link[vsn]{vsn}}). See details in individual functions. Note: the "VSN" normalization should be directly applied to the raw data instead of the lumiT processed data. } \value{ Return an object with expression values normalized. The class of the return object is the same as the input object x.lumi. If it is a LumiBatch object, it also includes the VST transform function and its parameters as attributes: "transformFun", "parameter". See \code{\link{inverseVST}} for details. } \references{ } \author{Pan Du, Simon Lin} \note{ } \seealso{ \code{\link{rsn}}, \code{\link{ssn}} } \examples{ ## load example data data(example.lumi) ## Do lumi transform lumi.T <- lumiT(example.lumi) ## Do lumi between chip normaliazation lumi.N <- lumiN(lumi.T, method='rsn', ifPlot=TRUE) } \keyword{ methods }