\name{LumiBatch-class} \docType{class} \alias{class:LumiBatch} \alias{LumiBatch-class} \alias{LumiBatch} \alias{se.exprs} \alias{se.exprs<-} \alias{se.exprs,ExpressionSet-method} \alias{se.exprs<-,ExpressionSet-method} \alias{beadNum} \alias{beadNum<-} \alias{beadNum,ExpressionSet-method} \alias{beadNum<-,ExpressionSet-method} \alias{detection} \alias{detection<-} \alias{detection,ExpressionSet-method} \alias{detection<-,ExpressionSet-method} \alias{initialize,LumiBatch-method} \alias{summary,LumiBatch-method} \alias{show,LumiBatch-method} \alias{combine,LumiBatch,LumiBatch-method} \alias{combine,ExpressionSet,LumiBatch-method} \alias{combine,LumiBatch,ExpressionSet-method} \alias{[,LumiBatch-method} \alias{sampleNames<-,LumiBatch,ANY-method} \alias{getHistory,LumiBatch-method} \alias{getHistory} \title{Class LumiBatch: contain and describe Illumina microarray data} \description{This is a class representation for Illumina microarray data. It extends \code{\link[Biobase]{ExpressionSet}}.} \section{Extends}{ Directly extends class \code{\link[Biobase]{ExpressionSet}}. } \section{Creating Objects}{ \code{new('LumiBatch', exprs = [matrix], se.exprs = [matrix], beadNum = [matrix], detection = [matrix], phenoData = [AnnotatedDataFrame], history = [data.frame], ...) } \code{LumiBatch} instances are usually created through \code{new("LumiBatch", ...)}. The arguments to \code{new} should include \code{exprs} and \code{se.exprs}, others can be missing, in which case they are assigned default values. Objects can be created using the function \code{\link{lumiR}}. } \section{Slots}{ Slot specific to \code{LumiBatch}: \describe{ \item{\code{history}:}{ a data.frame recording the operation history of the LumiBatch object.} \item{\code{controlData}:}{ a data.frame with first two columns as "controlType" and "ProbeID". The rest columns are the control probe expression amplitudes for individual samples.} \item{\code{QC}:}{ a the quality control information of the LumiBatch object, returned by lumiQ function.} } Slots inherited from \code{ExpressionSet}: \describe{ \item{\code{assayData}}{ contains equal dimensional matrices: \code{\bf exprs} (contains gene expression level, which is the mean of its bead replicates.), \code{\bf se.exprs} (contains gene expression standard error, which is the standard error of its bead replicates.), \code{\bf beadNum} (records the number of beads for the probe.), \code{\bf detection} (records the detection p-value of the probe. The number is from [0,1]. By default, < 0.01 indicates good detection.). For more details of \code{assayData}, please see \code{\link[Biobase]{ExpressionSet}} } \item{\code{phenoData}:}{See \code{\link[Biobase]{eSet}}} \item{\code{experimentData}:}{See \code{\link[Biobase]{eSet}}} \item{\code{annotation}:}{See \code{\link[Biobase]{eSet}}} } } \section{Methods}{ \bold{Class-specific methods:} \describe{ \item{\code{se.exprs(LumiBatch)}, \code{se.exprs(LumiBatch,matrix)<-}:}{Access and set elements named \code{se.exprs} in the \code{AssayData-class} slot.} \item{\code{beadNum(LumiBatch)}, \code{beadNum(LumiBatch)<-}:}{Access and set elements named \code{beadNum} in the \code{AssayData-class} slot. Use "beadNum(LumiBatch) <- NULL" to remove the beadNum element.} \item{\code{detection(LumiBatch)}, \code{detection(LumiBatch)<-}:}{Access and set elements named \code{detection} in the \code{AssayData-class} slot. Use "detection(LumiBatch) <- NULL" to remove the detection element.} \item{\code{getHistory(LumiBatch)}:}{Access the operation history of \code{LumiBatch} object.} } \bold{Derived from \code{\link[Biobase]{ExpressionSet}}} (For the directly inherited methods, please see \code{\link[Biobase]{ExpressionSet}} and \code{\link[Biobase]{eSet}}): \describe{ \item{\code{combine(LumiBatch,missing)}:}{Combine two LumiBatch objects, including \code{history} slot. See \code{\link[Biobase]{eSet}}} \item{\code{exprs(LumiBatch)}, \code{exprs(LumiBatch,matrix)<-}:}{Access and set elements named \code{exprs} in the \code{AssayData-class} slot.} \item{\code{object[(i,j)}:}{Conduct subsetting of the data in a LumiBatch object } } \bold{Standard generic methods} (For the directly inherited methods, please see \code{\link[Biobase]{ExpressionSet}} and \code{\link[Biobase]{eSet}}): \describe{ \item{\code{initialize(LumiBatch)}:}{Object instantiation, used by \code{new}; not to be called directly by the user.} \item{\code{validObject(LumiBatch)}:}{Validity-checking method, ensuring that \code{exprs} and \code{se.exprs} is a member of \code{assayData}. Other validity check is the same as \code{checkValidity(ExpressionSet)}.} \item{\code{show(LumiBatch)}}{A summary of the \code{LumiBatch} object.} } } \author{ Pan Du, Simon Lin } \seealso{ \code{\link{lumiR}}, \code{\link{lumiT}}, \code{\link{lumiN}}, \code{\link{boxplot-methods}}, \code{\link{pairs-methods}}, \code{\link{MAplot-methods}} } \examples{ ## load example data data(example.lumi) ## show the summary of the data # summary(example.lumi) example.lumi ## get express matrix temp <- exprs(example.lumi) ## get a subset temp <- example.lumi[,1] ## retrieve the first sample ## get the probe id featureNames(example.lumi)[1:3] ## combine LumiBatch objects temp <- combine(example.lumi[,1], example.lumi[,3]) temp } \keyword{classes}