\name{panel.hexboxplot} \alias{panel.hexboxplot} \title{Boxplot for hexbin lattice plot} \description{ A panel function to add a boxplot to a hexbin lattice plot. } \usage{ panel.hexboxplot(x, y, xbins = 30, xbnds = c("data", "panel"), ybnds = c("data", "panel"), .prelim = FALSE, .cpl = current.panel.limits(), .xlim = .cpl$xlim, .ylim = .cpl$ylim, .aspect.ratio, type = character(0), cdfcut = 0.25, shadow = 0.05, ..., check.erosion = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{x, y}{numeric vector or factor.} \item{xbins}{the number of bins partitioning the range of xbnds.} \item{xbnds, ybnds}{horizontal and vertical limits of the binning region in x or y units respectively; must be numeric vector of length 2.} \item{.prelim, .cpl, .xlim, .ylim, .aspect.ratio}{for internal use.} \item{type}{character vector controlling additional augmentation of the display. A \code{"g"} in \code{type} adds a reference grid, an \code{"hg"} adds a hexagonal grid.} \item{cdfcut}{number in (0,1) indicating the confidence level for the erosion limits. See \code{\link{erode.hexbin}} for more information.} \item{shadow}{number in (0,1) indicating the confidence level for the erosion limits of a boxplot shadow. See \code{\link{erode.hexbin}} for more information.} \item{\dots}{potential further arguments passed on.} \item{check.erosion}{logical indicating only eroded points should be used for \code{"erodebin"} objects; simply passed to \code{\link{hcell2xy}}, see its documentation.} } \value{ There is no return value from this function. The results are plotted on the current active device. } \author{Nicholas Lewin-Koh \email{nikko@hailmail.net}} \seealso{\code{\link{hexbinplot}}, \code{\link{panel.hexgrid}}, \code{\link[lattice]{panel.boxplot}} } \examples{ mixdata <- data.frame(x = c(rnorm(5000),rnorm(5000,4,1.5)), y = rep(1:2, 5000)) hexbinplot(y ~ x, mixdata, panel = panel.hexboxplot) } \keyword{hplot}