\name{leaves} \alias{leaves} \alias{leaves,graph-method} \title{Find the leaves of a graph} \description{ A leaf of an undirected graph is a node with degree equal to one. A leaf of a directed graph is defined with respect to in-degree or out-degree. The leaves of a directed graph with respect to in-degree (out-degree) are those nodes with in-degree (out-degree) equal to zero. } \usage{ leaves(object, degree.dir) } \arguments{ \item{object}{A \code{graph} object} \item{degree.dir}{One of \code{"in"} or \code{"out"}. This argument is ignored when \code{object} is undirected and required otherwise. When \code{degree.dir="in"} (\code{degree.dir="out"}), nodes have no in coming (out going) edges will be returned. } } \value{ A character vector giving the node labels of the leaves. } \author{Seth Falcon} \examples{ data(graphExamples) graphExamples[[1]] leaves(graphExamples[[1]]) data(apopGraph) leaves(apopGraph, "in") leaves(apopGraph, "out") } \keyword{ }