\name{edgeMatrix} \alias{edgeMatrix} \alias{eWV} \alias{pathWeights} \alias{edgeMatrix,graphNEL-method} \alias{edgeMatrix,graphAM-method} \alias{edgeMatrix,clusterGraph-method} \alias{edgeMatrix,distGraph-method} \title{Compute an Edge Matrix or weight vector for a Graph } \description{ For our purposes an \emph{edge matrix} is a matrix with two rows and as many columns as there are edges. The entries in the first row are the index of the node the edge is \emph{from}, those in the second row indicate the node the edge is \emph{to}. If the graph is \dQuote{undirected} then the \code{duplicates} option can be used to indicate whether reciprocal edges are wanted. The default is to leave them out. In this case the notions of \emph{from} and \emph{to} are not relevant. } \usage{ edgeMatrix(object, duplicates=FALSE) eWV(g, eM, sep = ifelse(edgemode(g) == "directed", "->", "--"), useNNames=FALSE) pathWeights(g, p, eM=NULL) } \arguments{ \item{object}{An object that inherits from \code{graph}. } \item{g}{An object that inherits from \code{graph}. } \item{duplicates}{Whether or not duplicate edges should be produced for \dQuote{undirected} graphs. } \item{eM}{An edge matrix} \item{sep}{a character string to concatenate node labels in the edge label} \item{useNNames}{a logical; if TRUE, node names are used in the edge label; if FALSE, node indices are used} \item{p}{a vector of node names constituting a path in graph \code{g}} \item{\dots}{arguments passed to \code{edgeMatrix}.} } \details{ Implementations for \code{graphNEL}, \code{clusterGraph} and \code{distGraph} are available. } \value{ \code{edgeMatrix} returns a matrix with two rows, \emph{from} and \emph{to}, and as many columns as there are edges. Entries indicate the index in the node vector that corresponds to the appropriate end of the edge. \code{eWV} uses the edge matrix to create an annotated vector of edge weights. \code{pathWeights} returns an annotated vector of edge weights for a specified path in a graph. } \note{A path through an undirected graph may have several representations as a named vector of edges. Thus in the example, when the weights for path b-a-i are requested, the result is the pair of weights for edges a--b and a--i, as these are the edge labels computed for graph g1.} \author{R. Gentleman } \seealso{ \code{\link{edges}} } \examples{ set.seed(123) g1 <- randomGraph(letters[1:10], 1:4, p=.3) edgeMatrix(g1) g2 <- new("clusterGraph", clusters=list(a=c(1,2,3), b=c(4,5,6))) em2 <- edgeMatrix(g2) eWV(g1, edgeMatrix(g1)) eWV(g1, edgeMatrix(g1), useNNames=TRUE) pathWeights(g1, c("b", "a", "i")) } \keyword{manip }