\name{savepng} \alias{savepdf} \alias{saveeps} \alias{savepng} \alias{savetiff} \title{Save the contents of the current graphics device to a file} \description{Save the contents of the current graphics device to file} \usage{ savepdf(fn, dir, width=6, asp=1) saveeps(fn, dir, width=6, asp=1) savepng(fn, dir, width=480, asp=1) savetiff(fn, dir, density=360, keeppdf=TRUE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{fn}{character: name of the output file (without extension). An extension \code{.pdf}, \code{.eps}, \code{.png}, or \code{.tiff} will be added automatically.} \item{dir}{character: directory to which the file should be written.} \item{width}{numeric: width of the image in pixels (png) or inches (pdf, eps).} \item{asp}{numeric: aspect ratio; height=width*asp.} \item{density}{pixels per inch (see Details).} \item{keeppdf}{Should the intermediate PDF file (see Details) be kept? If \code{FALSE}, it is deleted before the function returns.} \item{...}{Further arguments that are passed on to \code{savepdf} (see Details).} } \details{The functions are called for their side effect, writing a graphics file. \code{savepdf}, \code{savepng}, and \code{saveeps} use the devices \code{\link[grDevices]{pdf}}, \code{\link[grDevices]{png}}, and \code{\link[grDevices]{postscript}}, respectively. There is currently no TIFF device for R, so \code{savetiff} works differently. It relies on the external tool \code{convert} from the ImageMagick software package. First, \code{savetiff} produces a PDF files with \code{savepdf}, then uses \code{\link{system}} to invoke \code{convert} with the parameter \code{density}. \code{savetiff} does \bold{not} check for the existence of \code{convert} or the success of the system call, and returns silently no matter what. } \value{Character: name of the file that was written.} \author{Wolfgang Huber \url{http://www.dkfz.de/abt0840/whuber}} \seealso{\code{\link[grDevices]{dev.copy}}, \code{\link[grDevices]{pdf}}, \code{\link[grDevices]{png}}, \code{\link[grDevices]{postscript}}} \examples{ x = seq(0, 20*pi, len=1000) plot(x*sin(x), x*cos(x), type="l") try({ ## on some machines, some of the devices may not be available c( savepdf("spiral", dir=tempdir()), savepng("spiral", dir=tempdir()), saveeps("spiral", dir=tempdir()), savetiff("spiral", dir=tempdir()) ) }) } \keyword{programming} \keyword{error}