\name{plotExpressionGraph} \alias{plotExpressionGraph} \alias{getPlotExpressionColors} \alias{IMCAEntrezLink} \alias{defMapFun} \title{A function to plot a graph colored by expression data} \description{ Given a graph and expression data for one entity, will plot the graph with the nodes colored according to the expression levels provided. } \usage{ plotExpressionGraph(graph, nodeEGmap, exprs, ENTREZIDenvir, mapFun, log = FALSE, nodeAttrs = list(), ...) } \arguments{ \item{graph}{The graph to plot} \item{nodeEGmap}{A \code{list} with element names being node names and the elements being EntrezLink IDs corresponding to those node names.} \item{exprs}{A \code{vector} of expression data, with names being Affymetrix IDs and values being the expression level.} \item{ENTREZIDenvir}{An \code{environment} mapping Affymetrix IDs to EntrezLink IDs, such as the ones provided in the xxx2ENTREZID environments from the Bioconductor data packages (where xxx) is a data package).} \item{mapFun}{A function to map expression levels to colors.} \item{log}{Whether or not the expression data.} \item{nodeAttrs}{A \code{list} of node attributes, as per \code{plot.graph}.} \item{\dots}{Any extra arguments to be passed to \code{plot.graph}.} } \details{ This function can be used to plot a graph and have the nodes colored according to expression levels provided by the user. The \code{graph} parameter is a \code{graph} object from the \code{graph} package. The \code{nodeEGmap} parameter is a list that maps the nodes of the graphs to EntrezLink IDs. An example of this is the \code{IMCAEntrezLink} object in the \code{integrinMediatedCellAdhesion} data set in the \code{graph} package. The \code{exprs} argument is a vector mapping expression levels to Affymetrix IDs. One way to generate an appropriate vector is to extract a single column from an \code{ExpressionSet}. The \code{ENTREZIDenvir} environment maps Affymetrix IDs to EntrezLink IDs. The simplest way to provide this argument is to load the preferred Bioconductor data package (e.g. \code{hgu95av2.db}) and pass in that package's \code{xxx2ENTREZID}, where \code{xxx} is the name of the package. The \code{mapFun} function defaults to the function \code{defMapFun}, which maps nodes to be either blue, green or red depending for expression ranges of 0-100, 101-500, and 501+. In the case where \code{log} is \code{TRUE} these ranges are modified with \code{\link{log2}}. Custom versions of this function can be supplied by the user - it must take two parameters, first the expression vector and a boolean value (\code{log}) specifying if the data has had a \code{log2} applied to it. The function must return a vector with the same names as the expression vector, but the values of the vector will be color strings. The \code{nodeAttrs} list can be specified if any other node attributes are desired to be set by the user. Please see the \code{\link[Rgraphviz]{plot.graph}} man page for more information on this. The other attribute list (\code{attrs} and \code{edgeAttrs}) can be passed in via the \code{...} parameter. The IMCAEntrezLink data structure was created for the purpose of illustrating this program. On Sept 24 2007, the current version of \code{hgu95av2.db} was used to map from the nodes of IMCAGraph (in graph package) to Entrez identifiers. } \author{Jeff Gentry} \seealso{\code{\link[Rgraphviz]{plot.graph}}, \code{integrinMediatedCellAdhesion}} \examples{ if (require("Rgraphviz") && require("hgu95av2.db") && require("fibroEset")) { data(integrinMediatedCellAdhesion) data(IMCAEntrezLink) data(fibroEset) attrs <- getDefaultAttrs() attrs$graph$rankdir <- "LR" plotExpressionGraph(IMCAGraph, IMCAEntrezLink, exprs(fibroEset)[,1], hgu95av2ENTREZID, attrs = attrs) } } \keyword{utilities} \keyword{graphs} \keyword{hplot}