\name{cColor} \alias{cColor} \title{A function for marking specific probes on a cPlot.} \description{ Given a set of probes, will highlight them in the color desired on a plot which has already been created via the function cPlot(). } \usage{ cColor(probes, color, plotChroms, scale=c("relative","max"), glen=0.4) } \arguments{ \item{probes}{The probes that are being highlighted.} \item{color}{The color to highlight the probes.} \item{plotChroms}{An object of type \code{chromLocation} which contains all the gene information to be plotted.} \item{scale}{Whether to plot the graph scaled absolutely or relative by chromosome. Default is absolute.} \item{glen}{The length of the gene line plotted.} } \details{ It is important to call the function \code{cPlot()} first. This function will then search for the specific locations of the probes desired, which are contained within the \code{plotChroms} instance of a \code{chromLocation} class. It will then pass these on to the plotting routine to highlight the desired locations. NOTE: It is important that \code{plotChroms}, \code{scale} and \code{glen} parameters are the same as used for \code{cPlot()}. } \author{Jeff Gentry} \seealso{ \code{\link{cPlot}}, \code{\link[annotate]{chromLocation-class}} } \examples{ if(match("hgu95av2.db", .packages(all = TRUE), nomatch=0)) { library("hgu95av2.db") z <- buildChromLocation("hgu95av2") cPlot(z) probes <- c("266_s_at", "31411_at", "610_at", "failExample") cColor(probes, "red", z) probes2 <- c("960_g_at", "41807_at", "931_at", "39032_at") cColor(probes2, "blue", z) } else print("Need hgu95av2.db data package for the example") } \keyword{utilities}