\name{alongChrom} \alias{alongChrom} \alias{buildACMainLabel} \alias{doACImagePlot} \alias{fixACPhysPoints} \alias{getACGeneSyms} \alias{limitACXRange} \alias{cullACXPoints} \alias{doACLocalPlot} \alias{getACClosestPos} \alias{getACPlotLabs} \alias{scaleACData} \alias{dispACXaxis} \alias{doACMatPlot} \alias{getACDataEnv} \alias{getACStrandVals} \alias{doACCumPlot} \alias{emptyACPlot} \alias{getACExprs} \alias{highlightACDups} \title{A function for plotting expression data from an ExpressionSet for a given chromosome.} \description{ Given a particular ExpressionSet object, a chromLocation object, and a chromosome name, will plot selected ExpressionSet data using various methods. } \usage{ alongChrom(eSet, chrom, specChrom, xlim, whichGenes, plotFormat=c("cumulative", "local","image"), xloc=c("equispaced", "physical"), scale=c("none","zscale","rankscale","rangescale","zrobustscale"), geneSymbols=FALSE, byStrand=FALSE, colors="red", lty=1, type="S", ...)} \arguments{ \item{eSet}{The ExpressionSet object to be used.} \item{chrom}{The desired chromosome.} \item{specChrom}{An object of type chromLocation for the species being represented.} \item{xlim}{A pair of values - either character or integer, which will denote the range of genes to display (based on base pair: either directly in the case of integers, or using the locations of the named genes if character). If not supplied, the entire chromosome is used.} \item{whichGenes}{If supplied, will limit the displayed genes to the ones provided in this vector.} \item{xloc}{Determines whether the X axis points (gene names) will be displayed according to their relative position on the chromosome (physical), or spaced evenly (equispaced). Default is equispaced.} \item{plotFormat}{Determines the method which to plot the data.} \item{scale}{Determines what method of scaling will be applied to the data. Default is none.} \item{geneSymbols}{Notes whether to use Affy IDs or Gene Symbols, default is Affy IDs} \item{byStrand}{Determines whether to show the entire plot at once, or a split plot by strands. Default is a singular plot} \item{lty}{A vector of line types, which will be cycled. } \item{type}{Plot type, from par. Defaults to "S".} \item{colors}{A vector of colors for the plots, which will be cycled.} \item{...}{Any remaining graphics commands may be passed along as per plot()} } \details{ The genes on the chromosome of interest are extracted from the \code{chromLocation} object passed in, which are then intersected with the genes listed in the ExpressionSet. These remaining genes will then be plotted according to the \code{plotFormat} argument. If \code{image} is specified, an image plot is created showing the expression levels of the samples by gene, using a colour map to denote the levels. If \code{cumulative} is chosen, the cumulative expression level is plotted against the genes for each sample. Likewise, if \code{local} is used, the raw data is plotted for each sample against the genes using a boxplot format. Not all parameters are honored for all plotformats. \code{xloc}, \code{lty}, and \code{type} are only used with the \code{cumulative} plotformat. } \author{Jeff Gentry} \examples{ data(sample.ExpressionSet) ## A bit of a hack to not have a package dependency on hgu95av2 ## but need to fiddle w/ the warn level to not fail the example anyways. curWarn <- options(warn=0) on.exit(options(warn=curWarn$warn), add=TRUE) if (require("hgu95av2.db")) { z <- buildChromLocation("hgu95av2") lty <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) cols <- c("red", "green", "blue", "orange", "magenta", "black") cols <- cols[sample.ExpressionSet$type] if (interactive()) { par(ask=TRUE) } ## Here we're using xlim to denote a physical region to display xlim <- c(87511280,127717880) for (xl in c("equispaced", "physical")) for (sc in c("none","rangescale")) { alongChrom(sample.ExpressionSet, "1", z, xlim=xlim, xloc=xl, plotFormat="cumulative", scale=sc,lty=lty, colors=cols) } ## Here we're looking for specific genes which <- c("31540_at","31583_at", "31508_at", "31529_at", "31439_f_at", "31729_at") ## Gene "31529_at" does not exist in the current set of genes, ## here it demonstrates how genes not available are dropped. for (xl in c("equispaced", "physical")) for (sc in c("none","rangescale")) { alongChrom(sample.ExpressionSet, "1", z, which=which, xloc=xl, plotFormat="cumulative", scale=sc,lty=lty, col=cols) } ## Do an image plot for (bs in c(TRUE,FALSE)) alongChrom(sample.ExpressionSet, "1",z, xlim=xlim, plotFormat="image", scale="zscale", byStrand=bs) ## A boxplot for (st in c(TRUE,FALSE)) alongChrom(sample.ExpressionSet, "1", z, plotFormat="local", colors=cols, byStrand=st) } else print("Example can not be run without the hgu95av2 data package") } \keyword{utilities}