\name{GetColor} \alias{GetColor} \alias{dChip.colors} \alias{greenred.colors} \title{ A function to get the Red-Blue color scheme used by dChip } \description{ A simple, vectorized function that computes a Red/Blue color for plotting microarray expression data. } \usage{ GetColor(value, GreenRed=FALSE, DisplayRange=3) dChip.colors(n) greenred.colors(n) } \arguments{ \item{value}{The vector of expression values. } \item{GreenRed}{If \code{TRUE} the Green-Red colors are produced, otherwise Red-Blue are procduced. } \item{DisplayRange}{ A parameter controlling the range of \code{value}'s that will be plotted. } \item{n}{An integer saying how many colors to be in the palette.} } \details{ \code{GetColor} is a simple mapping into RGB land provided by Cheng Li. \code{dChip.colors} provides functionality similar to that of \code{\link[grDevices]{topo.colors}} for the red--blue colors used for genome plots. \code{greenred.colors} does the same for the green-black-red gradient. } \value{ A vector of RGB colors suitable for plotting in R. } \author{R. Gentleman, based on an original by C. Li. } \examples{ set.seed(10) x <- rnorm(10) GetColor(x) dChip.colors(10) } \keyword{ manip }