\name{write.dataSet} \alias{write.dataSet} \title{Write dataSet} \description{ Write the values for observations of an object of DataSet class in an output file. This values are writen in columns with the follow order: Cy3, Cy5, Cy3 Background, Cy5 Background, Ids and finally the Zscore value. By default this output file has no header.} \usage{ write.dataSet(dataSet.spot, fileName, quote = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, Zscore.min = NULL, Zscore.max = NULL, sep = "\t") } \arguments{ \item{dataSet.spot}{An object of DataSet class} \item{fileName}{The name of the output file where the data will be writen. This argument must be quoted.} \item{quote}{If quote = TRUE, all values in the file will be quoted.} \item{col.names}{If col.names = TRUE, an integer is writen in every column as header. By default col.names = FALSE.} \item{row.names}{If row.names = TRUE will be an extra column that numerates every rows in the file.} \item{Zscore.min}{The lower value in a range, if Zscore.min = NULL then the file will contain all values bellow Zscore.max} \item{Zscore.max}{The greater value in a range, if Zscore.max = NULL then file will be contain all values above Zscore.min. Both values, Zscore.min and Zscore.max can not be NULL} \item{sep}{Character to separate the columns in file. By default sep = "\t".} } \examples{ data(WT.dataset) write.dataSet(dataSet.spot = WT.dataset, fileName = "Example.csv", Zscore.min = 1, Zscore.max = 1.5, sep = "\t") } \keyword{file}