\name{read.flowSet} \alias{read.flowSet} \title{Read a set of FCS files} \description{Read one or several FCS files: Data File Standard for Flow Cytometry} \usage{ read.flowSet(files=NULL, path=".",pattern=NULL, phenoData, descriptions,name.keyword,alter.names=FALSE, transformation = "linearize", which.lines=NULL, debug = FALSE, column.pattern = NULL, decades=0,sep="\t", as.is=TRUE, name, \dots) } \arguments{ \item{files}{Optional character vector with filenames.} \item{path}{Directory where to look for the files.} \item{pattern}{This argument is passed on to \code{\link[base]{dir}}, see details. } \item{phenoData}{An object of class \code{AnnotatedDataFrame}, \code{character} or a list of values to be extracted from the \code{\link[flowCore]{flowFrame}} object, see details.} \item{descriptions}{Character vector to annotate the object of class \code{\link{flowSet-class}{flowSet}}.} \item{name.keyword}{An optional character vector that specifies which FCS keyword to use as the sample names. If this is not set, the GUID of the FCS file is used for sampleNames, and if that is not present (or not unique), then the file names are used. } \item{alter.names}{see \code{\link{read.FCS}} for details.} \item{transformation}{see \code{\link{read.FCS}} for details.} \item{which.lines}{see \code{\link{read.FCS}} for details.} \item{debug}{see \code{\link{read.FCS}} for details.} \item{column.pattern}{see \code{\link{read.FCS}} for details.} \item{decades}{see \code{\link{read.FCS}} for details.} \item{sep}{Separator character that gets passed on to \code{\link[Biobase::read.AnnotatedDataFrame]{read.AnnotatedDataFrame}}.} \item{as.is}{Logical that gets passed on to \code{\link[Biobase::read.AnnotatedDataFrame]{read.AnnotatedDataFrame}}. This controls the automatic coercion of characters to factors in the \code{phenoData}slot. } \item{name}{An optional character scalar used as name of the object.} \item{\dots}{Further arguments that get passed on to \code{\link[flowCore]{read.AnnotatedDataFrame}}, see details.} } \details{There are four different ways to specify the file from which data is to be imported: First, if the argument \code{phenoData} is present and is of class \code{\link[Biobase:AnnotatedDataFrame]{AnnotatedDataFrame}}, then the file names are obtained from its sample names (i.e. column \code{name}. The column is mandatory, and an error will be generated if it is not there. Alternatively, the argument \code{phenoData} can be of class \code{character}, in which case this function tries to read a \code{AnnotatedDataFrame} object from the file with that name by calling \code{\link[Biobase::read.AnnotatedDataFrame]{read.AnnotatedDataFrame(file.path(path,phenoData),\dots)}}. In some cases the file names are not a reasonable selection criterion and the user might want to import files based on some keywords within the file. One or several keyword value pairs can be given as the phenoData argument in form of a named list. Third, if the argument \code{phenoData} is not present and the argument \code{files} is not \code{NULL}, then \code{files} is expected to be a character vector with the file names. Fourth, if neither the argument \code{phenoData} is present nor \code{files} is not \code{NULL}, then the file names are obtained by calling \code{dir(path, pattern)}. } \value{An object of class \code{\link{flowSet-class}{flowSet}}.} \author{F. Hahne, N.Le Meur, B. Ellis} \examples{ fcs.loc <- system.file("extdata",package="flowCore") file.location <- paste(fcs.loc, dir(fcs.loc), sep="/") samp <- read.flowSet(file.location[1:3]) } \keyword{IO}