\name{normalization-class} \docType{class} \alias{normalization-class} \alias{normalization} \alias{normalize} \alias{add,workFlow,normalization-method} \alias{identifier<-,normalization,character-method} \alias{identifier,normalization-method} \alias{normalize,flowSet,normalization-method} \alias{parameters,normalization-method} \title{Class "normalization" } \description{ Class and methods to normalize a a \code{flowSet} using a potentially complex normalization function. } \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects should be created using the contructor \code{normalization()}. See the \code{Usage} and \code{Arguments} sections for details. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{parameters}:}{Object of class \code{"character"}. The flow parameters that are supposed to be normalized by the normalization function. } \item{\code{normalizationId}:}{Object of class \code{"character"}. An identifier for the object. } \item{\code{normFunction}:}{Object of class \code{"function"} The normalization function. It has to take two mandatory arguments: \code{x}, the \code{flowSet}, and \code{parameters}, a character of parameter names that are to be normalized by the function. Additional arguments have to be passed in vio \code{arguments}.} \item{\code{arguments}:}{Object of class \code{"list"} A names list of additional arguments. Can be \code{NULL}. } } } \usage{ normalization(parameters, normalizationId="defaultNormalization", normFunction, arguments=list()) normalize(data, x) } \arguments{ \item{parameters}{ Character vector of parameter names. } \item{normalizationId}{ The identifier for the normalization object. } \item{x}{ An object of class \code{\linkS4class{flowSet}}. } \item{normFunction} {The normalization function} \item{arguments} {The list of additional arguments to \code{normFunction}} \item{data} {The \code{flowSet} to normalize. } } \value{ A \code{normalization} object for the constructor. A \code{\linkS4class{flowSet}} for the \code{normalize} methods. } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{add}{\code{signature(wf = "workFlow", action = "normalization")}: The constructor for the workFlow. } \item{identifier<-}{\code{signature(object = "normalization", value = "character")}: Set method for the identifier slot. } \item{identifier}{\code{signature(object = "normalization")}: Get method for the identifier slot. } \item{normalize}{\code{signature(data = "flowSet", x = "normalization")}: Apply a normalization to a \code{\linkS4class{flowSet}}. } \item{parameters}{\code{signature(object = "normalization")}: The more generic constructor. } } } \details{ Data normalization of a \code{flowSet} is a rather fuzzy concept and the class mainly existst for method dispatch in the workflow tools. The idea is to have a rather general function that takes a \code{flowSet} and a list of parameter names as input and applies any kind of normalization to the respective data columns. The output of the function has to be a \code{flowSet} again. Although we don't formally check for it, the dimensions of the input and of the output set should remain the same. Additional arguments may be passed to the normalization function via the \code{arguments} list. Internally we evaluate the function using \code{\link{do.call}} and one should check its documentation for details. Currently, the most prominent example for a normalization function is warping, as provided by the \code{flowStats} package. } \author{F. Hahne} \keyword{methods} \keyword{classes}