\name{logTransform} \alias{logTransform} \title{Create the definition of a log transformation function (base specified by user) to be applied on a data set } \description{Create the definition of the log Transformation that will be applied on some parameter via the \code{transform} method. The definition of this function is currently x<-log(x,logbase)*(r/d). The transformation would normally be used to convert to a linear valued parameter to the natural logarithm scale. Typically r and d are both equal to 1.0. Both must be positive. logbase = 10 corresponds to base 10 logarithm. } \usage{ logTransform(transformationId, logbase=10, r=1, d=1) } \arguments{ \item{transformationId}{character string to identify the transformation} \item{logbase}{positive double that correponds to the base of the logarithm. } \item{r}{positive double that correponds to a scale factor. } \item{d}{positive double that correponds to a scale factor} } \value{ Returns an object of class \code{transform}. } \author{B. Ellis, N. LeMeur} \seealso{ \code{\link{transform-class}}, \code{\link{transform}}} \examples{ samp <- read.FCS(system.file("extdata", "0877408774.B08", package="flowCore")) logTrans <- logTransform(transformationId="log10-transformation", logbase=10, r=1, d=1) dataTransform <- transform(samp,`FSC-H`=logTrans(`FSC-H`)) } \keyword{ methods }