\name{fsApply} \alias{fsApply} \alias{fsApply,flowSet,ANY} \title{Apply a Function over values in a flowSet} \description{ \code{fsApply} like many of the \code{apply}-style functions in R acts as an iterator for \code{flowSet} objects, allowing the application of a function to either the \code{flowFrame} or the data matrix itself. The output can the be reconstructed as either a \code{flowSet}, a list or a matrix depending on options and the type of objects returned. } \usage{ fsApply(x, FUN, \dots, simplify=TRUE, use.exprs=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{x}{\code{\link[flowCore]{flowSet}} to be used} \item{FUN}{the function to be applied to each element of \code{x}} \item{simplify}{logical (default: TRUE); if all true and all objects are \code{flowFrame} objects, a \code{flowSet} object will be constructed. If all of the values are of the same type there will be an attempt to construct a vector or matrix of the appropriate type (e.g. all numeric results will return a matrix).} \item{use.exprs}{logical (default: FALSE); should the \code{FUN} be applied on the \code{\link[flowCore]{flowFrame}} object or the expression values.} \item{\dots}{optional arguments to \code{FUN}.} } \seealso{ \code{\link{apply}}, \code{\link{sapply}} } \author{B. Ellis} \examples{ fcs.loc <- system.file("extdata",package="flowCore") file.location <- paste(fcs.loc, dir(fcs.loc), sep="/") samp <- read.flowSet(file.location[1:3]) #Get summary information about each sample. fsApply(samp,summary) #Obtain the median of each parameter in each frame. fsApply(samp,each_col,median) } \keyword{iteration}