\name{actionItem-class} \docType{class} \alias{actionItem-class} \alias{identifier,actionItem-method} \alias{names,actionItem-method} \alias{alias,actionItem-method} \alias{parent,actionItem-method} \alias{Rm,actionItem,workFlow,character-method} \title{Class "actionItem"} \description{ Class and method to capture standard operations in a flow cytometry workflow. } \section{Objects from the Class}{A virtual Class: No objects may be created from it.} \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{ID}:}{Object of class \code{"character"}. A unique identifier for the \code{actionItem}. } \item{\code{name}:}{Object of class \code{"character"}. A more human-readable name} \item{\code{parentView}:}{Object of class \code{"fcViewReference"}. A reference to the parent \code{\link{view}} the \code{actionItem} is applied on. } \item{\code{env}:}{Object of class \code{"environment"}. The evaluation environment in the \code{\link{workFlow}}. } } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{identifier}{\code{signature(object = "actionItem")}: Accessor for the \code{ID} slot. } \item{names}{\code{signature(x = "actionItem")}: Accessor for the \code{name} slot.} \item{parent}{\code{signature(object = "actionItem")}: Accessor for the \code{parentView} slot. Note that the reference is resolved, i.e., the \code{\link{view}} object is returned. } \item{alias}{\code{signature(object = "actionItem")}: Get the alias table from a \code{actionItem}. } \item{Rm}{\code{signature(symbol = "actionItem", envir = "workFlow", subSymbol = "character")}: Remove a \code{actionItem} from a \code{\link{workFlow}}. This method is recursive and will also remove all dependent \code{\link[view-class]{views}} and \code{actionItems}. } } } \details{ \code{actionItems} provide a means to bind standard operations on flow cytometry data in a workflow. Usually, the user doesn't have to create these objects, instead they will be automatically created when allpying one of the standard operations (gating, transformation, compensation) to a \code{\link{workFlow}} object. Each \code{actionItem} creates one or several new \code{\link[view-class]{views}}, which again can be the basis to apply further operations. One can conceptualize \code{actionItems} being the edges in the workflow tree connecting \code{\link[view-class]{views}}, which are the nodes of the tree. There are more specific subclasses for the three possible types of operation: \code{\link{gateActionItem}} for gating oprations, \code{\link{transformActionItem}} for transformations, and \code{\link{compensateActionItem}} for compensation operations. See their documentation for details. } \author{ Florian Hahne } \seealso{ \code{\linkS4class{workFlow}}, \code{\linkS4class{gateActionItem}}, \code{\linkS4class{transformActionItem}}, \code{\linkS4class{compensateActionItem}}, \code{\linkS4class{view}} } \examples{ showClass("view") } \keyword{classes}