\name{exp_loadFiles} \alias{exp_loadFiles} \title{Load files} \author{Michael Lawrence } \description{ Loads a set of files into exploRase } \usage{exp_loadFiles(filenames, data_type, entity_type = "gene")} \arguments{ \item{filenames}{filenames The paths to the files to load} \item{data_type}{The data type ("data", "design", "info", "list")} \item{entity_type}{The entity type (by default: "gene", "met", "prot"), only used if \code{data_type} is provided.} } \details{If the \code{data_type} is specified, it is assumed that all the files are of the given \code{data_type} and \code{entity_type}. Otherwise, the types are autodetected based on file extensions.} \examples{} \keyword{IO}